Tuesday, May 24, 2011

adding swivels to the toggles

as i put together these components, i am reminded of a book i'm reading, Fault Lines:  How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy.  reading about economics is a nice break from designing!  

an interesting point the author makes is that the u.s.'s financial system is based on arms-lengths transactions.  this causes bankers to focus solely on making money on their small part of the transaction rather than caring about the result of the holistic, overall transaction.  

in manufacturing, the same often happens in assembly lines.  that's why in Japan, managers of factories make sure the workers see, understand, and care how their part in the process contributes to the final end product.  

since i am putting together all the components myself, i don't worry about these issues since i care more about the end product than anyone else.  however, something to keep in mind if some day i have people helping to put together components for my bags.