Thursday, December 9, 2010

trolling around websites

i am working on webpage layouts so that when i have product and am ready to work with the very talented web (and jewelry) designer, elizabeth (, i have ideas on what i want to portray. i have a long list of inspirational websites and brands that i love. i know little to nothing about web design, such as number of clicks or whatever is used to test efficiency, so my views are mostly aesthetic. but here are a few of my favorites: - i love the opening video - the clothes, the imagery, the music, the model, the muted colors and mood... very pretty and feminine. - very simple, delicate and hand-made - this website has nothing to do with fashion. but she tells great stories through the use of hand-drawn, simplified illustrations and words. plus it's hilarious. - i love the hand-drawn illustrations, the recognizable blue bottle picto-icon (dont know what else to call it off the top of my head) and the story behind the brand - the textile archives on the website are beautiful. finally got around to special ordering his books... cannot wait to receive them. - the look of this website is very unique. plus i aspire to the authenticity and craft of this brand.